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Lets see how creative and talented our adults are by entering the Arkansas Rice Festival Adult Art Contest!

Entries must be received by 4:00 pm the Friday prior to the festival, Drop off entries at the Rice Festival Building or city hall. For more information contact Allyson Bise at (870) 897-5130.

PDF file Entry form

Bring your antique down for display at the Arkansas Rice Festival. There will be a judging for the - Best of Show, Oldest Tractor, and Ugliest Tractor. All three winners will receive a one of a kind work of metal art. Contact Hunter Jones at (870) 243-0280 for more information.

The Arkansas Rice Festival 5K run/walk is a long-distance road run/walk competition over a distance of five kilometres (3.107 mi). All runners/walkers will receive a T-Shirt when you register. Medals will be given for:

  • Top 3 in each age group runner
  • Top 3 overall male/female runner
  • Top 3 overall male/female walker

Sponsored by: Century Finance and A.B. Oil Company

For questions contact Alana Barker (870) 243-7680 or email Alana Barker.

Men and women cook wonderful, creative dishes to enter this competition. The dishes are original and very tasty. Lucky judges get to decide which ones are the best from a wide range of categories.

In addition, anyone who wants to can submit their recipe to us so that we can add them in our cookbook going forward. Simply mail in your recipe(s) to 223 W. Third Street, Weiner, AR 72479, or email them to Kelli Brown.

For more information call Brooke Kagen at (870) 578-7170.

PDF file Entry form

All dogs welcome to our 1st annual Arkansas Rice Festival Dog Pageant! Small, Medium, and Large dog divisions. Optional side division as well!

PDF file Entry form

The ARF Fishing Rodeo will be held at Lake Hogue on Saturday, Oct. 1. Registration begins at 8:00 am. Fishing begins at 9:00 am. Weigh in will begin at 10:30 am. There is a 5 fish limit, so poundage is the key to win! There will be three age divisions. Ages 1 - 5, 6 - 10 and 11 - 16.

Winners of each division will win $100! Second place wins $50! Third place wins $25! Everyone will receive something! Bring your own pole, bait, and stringer or bucket.

Sponsored by Kimble Repair and Country Supply.

Left to right:

Drayson Richardson (1st place)

Lucas Sasser (2nd place)

Dax Morris (3rd place)

Older boys winners

On Sept. 7, 2009, the city of Weiner lost one of our favorite people, Miles Lindberg Greeno. Miles was killed in a very tragic accident that we will never forget.

Miles was a very energetic young man, energetic is actually an understatement. He was loved by everyone, a friend to many and he never met a stranger. His smiling face made you feel special.

Miles loved the Arkansas Rice Festival. Months before the festival, he would start calling and wanting to know what we were having. He would always be there to help and couldn't wait until that day. He will always be remembered by this small town and will always be missed at the Rice Festival. Miles loved singing and music. In 2008, Miles won the karaoke contest. In 2009, the rice festival committee dedicated the karaoke contest to Miles.

There are 3 divisions of contests. Up to 12 years, 13-17 years, and 18-up. Each winner will receive a trophy, $50, and a Rice Festival T-shirt. It will be held at the stage in front of Catholic Hall. Sign up at the stage.

For more information call Amanda Greeno at (870) 897-2238. Master of Ceremony and Sound provided by Dave Ellis Grim.

The winners of each division is invited to sing their winning song at the main stage. It will be done during the breaks at the Street Dance between 7 and 9. You must bring your own CD to sing by.

Be in the parade! Anything can be in the parade as long as it isn't dangerous. Bicycles, motorcycles, cars, trucks, etc. The best item in the parade will win $100. Line up begins at the school at 9:30. Parade begins at 11:00. Lots of fun! We would love to have some marching bands!

To be in the parade, just show up and get in line. Watch for the signs.

What a way to show what Arkansas does best? RICE! We would love to display your photos for everyone to see at the Rice Festival!

Entries must be received by 4:00 pm the Friday prior to the festival, Drop off entries at the Rice Festival Building or city hall. For more information contact Allyson Bise at (870) 897-5130.

PDF file Entry form

Sleezy-E Wrestling & The Arkansas Rice Festival present - Rasslin' at the Rice Festival featuring legends, luchardores, and loads more!

Own a Wiener Dog? Then this is the place to show your dog off! For a fun and hilarious time, come down to the Arkansas Rice Festival and enter this event. Registration begins at 12:30 at the Contest Stage by the Catholic Hall. Categories are Best Dressed, Owner/Dog Look Alike, Race, and Best Overall Dog. Free to enter. Trophy and $25.00 to winner of each division.

For more information call Corey and Erin Trotter (870) 530-2474.

Master of Ceremony and Sound provided by Dave Ellis Grim. Sponsored by Haw Thickett Duck Club

The Arkansas Rice Festival will be having a yard contest. Decorate your yard with a rice related theme and make our town look nice for our festival. Judge will be Kelli Kimble.

First place will receive $100, second place $50, and third $25. Have your yard decorated by Wednesday, Oct. 5.

For more information call Kelli Kimble at (870) 243-0411. Winners will be announced at the main stage at the festival. Rice must be used in the decoration.

Lets see how creative and talented our youth are by entering the Arkansas Rice Festival Youth Art Contest! What child doesn’t want to see their drawing hung where all can see it!

Entries must be received by 4:00 pm the Friday prior to the festival, Drop off entries at the Rice Festival Building or city hall. For more information contact Allyson Bise at (870) 897-5130.

PDF file Entry form

Arkansas Rice Festival Sponsors

  • Kimble Repair
  • Delta Cultural Center
  • Photos by Tisha
  • Just Jordans
  • Tommy Bowden
  • Harris Ford
  • Gene's Electrical Service
  • Valley View Agri-Systems
  • Century Finance
  • Goad Equipment Co.
  • Riceland
  • City of Weiner
  • HorizonAg
  • Poinsett Rice
  • George Kell Motors
  • Emerge
  • Country Supply Inc.
  • Greenway Equipment Inc.
  • Rice Belt Telephone
  • L & L Parts